Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Emo Mayoral Candidates

This week, CFOB is looking at the mayoral races across the Rainy River district, and today we turn out attention to Emo.

Incumbent Ed Carlson says the need for expanded water and sewer treatment facilities is among a top priority.

"We're expecting definite growth in Emo," says Carlson, "hoping with Rainy River Resources. Even without that we still have to expand the water treatment in providing capacity and increase pressure and another cell in the lagoon as well."

Vince Sheppard is campaigning on a need for more openness at the council table.

"What I would like is to have the Ontario Ombudsman back as our investigator," says Sheppard. "We have our official plan that has to be reopened. It's been in place for fourteen years. It's supposed to redone every five years."

Carlson is seeking his second term as mayor while Sheppard is a newcomer to municipal politics.