Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Atikokan Mayoral Candidates

This week B-93 is looking at the mayoral races in communities across the Rainy River district, beginning with Atikokan where two candidates seeking the top council seat.

Incumbent Dennis Brown, who's held the seat for the past 13 years says continuing to build Atikokan's economy remains key.

"We need jobs and we need to have the tax base," say Brown. "We're certainly emphasising working with initiatives that are already present and helping to move them forward in the days ahead."

Bob Davidson is challenging for the position and is putting a need to improve live for seniors high on his agenda.

"Seniors in Atikokan need the very best care we can provide for them," says Davidson. "If I'm elected, I'll be working pretty aggressively on things that make live a little better for them in Atikokan."

Davidson is a former two-term Reeve of the community.