Friday, October 29, 2010

Former Doc Returns to Fort Frances

A former Fort Frances physician returns to the community today to talk about Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Doctor Ted Jablonski, himself diagnosed with the form of winter depression, is travelling across the country to draw more awareness.

Jablonski says its more common and real than many believe.

"It's a very frequent problem in our country," says Dr. Jablonski. "We live in a northern latitude and northern latitude countries are the ones who get effected. About 3 per cent of our population has S.A.D. that probably should be treated. That's over one million Canadians.

Jablonski says the disorder can easily be treated with light therapy.

He'll speak more about S.A.D. at a public meeting at 2 p.m. at the La Place Rendezvous.