Thursday, September 2, 2010

NOMS Students in Fort Frances

(Brienne Lowey-Bodkin (l.) and Jacqueline Edwards)

Two students from the Northern Ontario School of Medicine are in Fort Frances to compete their third year clerkship.

Brienne Lowey-Bodkin and Jacqueline Edwards will be working along side the town's current physicians until next April.

Lowey-Bodkin says a familiarity with the area led her to the Fort.

"My grandparents live in Fort Frances and my dad was born in Fort Frances," says Lowey-Bodkin, "so I always came to Fort Frances as a kid. When I choose where I wanted to go, family is always important to me and I knew that it would make my transition really smooth if I could stay with family members."

Edwards says the ability to learn in wide array of medical areas was something that attracted her.

"Fort Frances has quite of few specialists that come in," says Edwards, "and a lot of the docs do different things themselves. They'll do obstetrics. They'll do general surgery. They'll do anaesthesia. So I'm hoping to get a good picture of all those different areas as well as family medicine."

Both students are from Thunder Bay.