Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Budget Process Begins

There was plenty for Fort Frances town council to consider at a public meeting on the 2010 budget.

Last night's meeting brought forward a number of requests.

Mayor Roy Avis admits this will be another difficult year for council.

"The budget for 2010 will be very difficult as we are in the middle of a recession, our major employer and taxpayer is still in bankruptcy protection and our senior government deficits are growing," says Avis. "In many areas of our community people are struggling. I feel this should be a budget of necessities and not luxuries."

Avis did put forward three requests of his own for council to consider.

They included the hard-surfacing of 5th Street between Portage Avenue and McIrvine Road, the hard-surfacing of Boundary Road and the creation of a work crews whose main focus would be maintaining the area around the Sorting Gap Marina.

Council is not expected to finalize its budget until next April.