Thursday, July 30, 2009

"JUST DRIVE" Campaign

("Just Drive" billboard posted on the rear of a transport to alert drivers of things they shouldn't be doing when driving - Photo Courtesy Highway Safety Committee in NWO)

Eating, using your cellphone and texting while driving are all activities the Highway Safety Committee in Northwestern Ontario wants to eliminate.

It's launched a new campaign called "Just Drive."

OPP Sergeant Rod Brown says that message will also be posted on the back of area transport trucks.

"It's a matter of trying to raise this awareness so people start thinking about it," says Brown, "and are less accepting of the person they are driving with or other motorists when they see them trying to text-message, receive e-mails, talk on the phone or do other things that takes their mind off the road and the task at hand and that's driving."

A provincial ban on the use of cellphones while driving comes into effect in October.