Thursday, April 23, 2009

NOMS Bursary Established



The Northwestern Ontario Municipal Association has reached its goal in establishing a bursary for students attending the Northern Ontario School of Medicine.

Chair of the Northern Ontario Medical Education Award Fund Ron Nelson says the $100,000 dollars it set out to raise has been achieved - mostly through municipal donations.

"The majority of that money came from the municipalities," says Nelson, "that back in the day, when we started this, we had just tremendous amount of support with backing dollars to obtain that goal."

Nelson says how the money will be awarded will be determined by Lakehead University and the School of Medicine. While the first graduating class will occur later this year, the first award may no be issued until next year.

"Because of the fall in the stock market, Lakehead University does not want to pay out any bursaries because it takes away from their capital money. The Medical School is looking at its differently."

Nelson says even though its goal was achieved, NOMA will continue to raise money that will be directed toward other medical needs.