Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hallet and Fire Tower Contract Decision Delayed



There was no decision from Fort Frances town councillors Monday night on a contract to move the tugboat Hallet and fire tower from Pither's Point Park to the waterfront.

Community Services Manager George Bell says a conference call with the contractor to get further information had to be postponed until next week. That will delay council's decision on the proposed $1.3 million contract until its next week in two weeks.

Councillor Paul Ryan questioned whether the pending end of a lease for Pither's Point Park would impact the project.

"If we do do this job and the contract is awarded, there could be a possibility our assets are on somebody else's property, said Ryan. "I'm just wondering if that will create a problem when we go on the property and try to get our stuff off of it."

The town's lease for the Park expires at the end of the month. Town lawyers will be in court Wednesday seeking an extension.