Christian Wiedenhoeft with three first place finishes and Callahan Wiedenhoeft and Alexis Latter with two each among the winners in the English Drama competition of the Rainy River District Festival of the Performing Arts yesterday.
The competition continues at the Townshend Theatre beginning at 9 AM.
Here is a list of all winners from Monday.
Serious Monologue, Grade 11 and 12
FIRST: Taylor Shouldice
SECOND: Christian Windego
Choral Reading, Grades 11 and 12
Honorable Mention: FFHS Special Education Class
Dramatic presentation, open
FIRST: Noah Paleczny and Callahan Wiedenhoeft
Serious Solo Poetry, Kindergarten
FIRST: Alexis Latter
Humorous Solo Poetry, Kindergarten
FIRST: Alexis Latter
Humorous Solo Poetry, Grade 1
FIRST: Jaxon Strachan
SECOND: Aubrey Eldridge
Humorous Prose Reading, Grades 3 and 4
FIRST: (Tie) Christian Wiedenhoeft, Olivia Eldridge
Serious Solo Poetry, Grade 4
FIRST: Christian Wiedenhoeft
SECOND: Emma Toriseva
Humorous Solo Poetry, Grade 5
FIRST: Jenaya DeBenetti
Humorous Solo Poetry, Grade 4
FIRST: Christian Wiedenhoeft
Serious Solo Poetry, Grade 6
FIRST: Tori Anne Toriseva
Humorous Prose Reading, Grade 5
FIRST: Jenaya DeBenetti
Serious Prose Reading, Grade 7
FIRST: Callahan Wiedenhoeft