The Fort Frances Chamber of Commerce has returned Mark Caron as its president.
The owner of M.L. Caron Electric was elected to a third term in voting that concluded Monday.
Myles Kuharski of Gillons' Insurance takes over as first vice-president while Jordan Forbes of Saulteau Consulting and Engineering is the second vice-president.
Here is the full slate of officers.
President: Mark Caron, ML Caron Electric
1st Vice President: Myles Kuharski, Gillons' Insurance
2nd Vice President: Jordan Forbes, Saulteaux Consulting & Engineering
Treasurer: vacant - pending election in January
Secretary: Annely Armstrong, NCDS & Chamber Manager
Past President: Cathy Emes
Robin Payeur, Causeway Insurance / Main Street Market
Lisa Plourde, RBC Royal Bank
Steve Gushulak, Fort Frances General Supply
Mike Vanderwater, Acklands-Grainer
Travis Glowasky, Studio Gibbous
Paul Noonan, La Place Rendez Vous Hotel
Jennifer Greenhalgh, NCDS
Marie Allan, BDO & Company LLP
Ben Morelli, From the Grind Up
Rounding out the Board for 2014 are the Appointee and Ex-Officio positions:
John Albanese, Town of Fort Frances
Angela Halvorsen, Rainy River Future Development Corporation
Toby Munro, Resolute Forest Products
Appointments from the Fort Frances Downtown Business Improvement Association and the Pwi-Di-Goo-Zing Ne-Yaa-Zhing Aboriginal Business Development Advisory Services have yet to be announced.