Fort Frances town council has finalized its 2010 budget.
It calls for an average of a 3 per cent increase in the tax levy charged to residential ratepayers.
But Treasurer Laurie Witherspoon says the tax rate used to calculate what they actually pay is less than half that.
"In dollars and cents, if someone paid $1,872.50 last year for an assessment of $100,000, in 2010 they would see $1,863.77," says Witherspoon. "So that's an increase of $8.73."
Witherspoon says commercial and industrial ratepayers will see their tax rates drop due to decreases in both assessment and the education portion of their bills.
Councillors accepted the budget by a 6-1 vote - councillor Ken Perry the lone objector.
Mayor Roy Avis says given what the town is facing financially, he's pleased, as it sets aside money for potential wage increases for unionized staff.
"I was happy with our final decision on making sure that we had enough money built in there," say Avis, "that if we have a couple of unknowns that are quite costly, if that comes to fruition, then we have money put aside to look after that."
The budget, however, does not take into account a possible increase in the town's cost to the Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board, which has yet to be determined.