There's a new mayor for the city of International Falls.
Bob Anderson, a former mayor, returns after defeating councillor Paul Eklund.
Pete Kalar was voted to serve as councillor at large.
Wayne Skoe was elected to represent District 5 on the Koochiching County Board of Commissioners.
Board chair Brian McBride was unopposed in his return as District 3 commissioner.
Michael Holden, Michelle Hebner and Gordy Dault won the three seats up for grabs on the Independent School District 361's board.
Dennis Wagner was elected Mayor of Ranier.
Democrats took control of the Minnesota Legislature with top Republicans conceding the loss of both the Senate and House.
Democrat Rick Nolan beat Republican Rep. Chip Cravaack to recapture the 8th district U.S. congressional seat, a northeastern Minnesota seat long considered Democratic turf.
Senator Amy Klobuchar regained her seat for the Democrats in Washington.
Minnesota rejected constitutional amendments that proposed to ban gay marriage and one requiring photo I.D to vote.