The best of the this year's Rainy River District Festival of the Performing Arts was celebrated with a concert at the Townshend Theatre Sunday.
Individual award winners were also recognized.
Alexis Sharp in piano, Phoebe Firth in vocal and Scott Walsh in drama were this year's Rose Bowl winners as top performers in their divisions.
Callahan Wiedenhoeft - Joan Miller Award, Best Stage Presence, Poetry or Prose, Grade 5 and under
Mackenzie Wright - Board of Education Award, Elementary Most Promising Student, Grade 6 and under
Shawn Brady - Bertha Livingston Award, Most Promising Student, Grades 5 to 8
Andrew Eldridge - Board of Education Award, Intermediate Most Promising Student, Grades 7 or 8
Emma Kunkel - Board of Education Award, Senior Most Promising Student, Grades 9 to 12
Kristina Robertson - Jean Boileau Award, Best Individual Performance
Kristina Robertson - Katy Van Drunen Memorial Award (Pharmasave), Best Monologue by a High School Student
St. Michael’s School, Grade 1 - St. Mary’s Catholic Women’s League Award, Choral Speaking, Primary
J. W. Walker School, Grades 4 and 5 - Voyageur Lions Club Award, Choral Speaking, Junior
Sturgeon Creek Alternative Program - Business and Professional Women’s Club Award, Choral Speaking Grades 6, 7 and 8
Adriane Gurski, Alana Walsh, Taylor Swire, Tamika Andy, Jilayne Derkson, Jessica Caul - Knights of Columbus Award, Best Performance by a Group
J. W. Walker Schoo, Grades 2 and 3 - Elaine Jardine Award, Best Elementary Choral Speaking Performance
Avery Adrian, Will Anderson, Joseph Ball, Brayden Botsford, Judd Gardiman, Caleb McIntosh, Travis Kewakundo, Ryllie Yarmovich - Adjudicator’s Choice Award, Noteworthy Performance
Dylan Roen - Adjudicator’s Choice Award, Noteworthy Performance
Tasha Roth - Adjudicator’s Choice Award, Noteworthy Performance
Siobhan MacKintosh - Kiwanis Club French Award, Most Promising Student, French Poetry, Grades 5 and 6
Tianna Veldhuisen - Canadian Parents for French Award, Most Promising Student, French Poetry, Grades 7 and 8
Mackenzie Wright - Adjudicator’s Choice Award, Noteworthy Performance
Katelyn Bruyere - Barbara and Bruce Murray Award, Most Promising Student, Exam Courses, Beginner to Grade 2
Tianna Veldhuisen - Middle C Music Award, Most Promising Student, Exam Courses, Grades 3 or 4
Taylor Shouldice - Fort Frances Lions Club, Outstanding Achievement, Exam Courses, Grades 5 or 6
Anika Alexander - Emily Louise Austin Award, Best Piano Student, Exam Courses, Grades 7 or 8
Meagan Empey - Kinsmen Club Trophy, Most Promising Student, Exam Courses, Grades 9 or 10
Sophie Carpenter - RoseMarie DeGagne Memorial Award, Outstanding Achievement, Method Courses, Level I
Mika Kooistra - Clarence and Gertrude Bujold Family Award, Outstanding Achievement, Method Courses, Level II
Alexa Veldhuisen - McIrvine Women’s Institute Award, Outstanding Achievement, Method Courses, Level III
Maxwell Williams - Clarence and Gertrude Bujold Family Award, Outstanding Achievement, Method Courses, Level IV, V or VI
Sara Bagacki and Anika Alexander - Elementary Teachers’ Federation Award, Best Piano Duet, Any Level
Lorianne Duek - Garton Music Award, Noteworthy Performance
Kaitlyn Chiasson - Adjudicator’s Choice Award, Noteworthy Performance
Katelyn Bruyere - Helen Parris Memorial Award, Individual string player or string ensemble demonstrating outstanding musicality
Cameron Daley - Fort Frances Rotary Club Award, Best Woodwind Solo Performance
Emma Kunkel - Harper Simmons Trophy, Best Brass Solo Performer
Caleb Duek and Lorianne Duek - Gillies Instrumental Award, Group of 2 to 8
Fort Frances High School Senior Band - Ralph Whetstone Trophy, Best Band
Robert Moore School Grades 7 and 8 - Adjudicator’s Choice, Beginner Band, Noteworthy Performance
Alexis Sharp (Piano)
Phoebe Firth (Vocal)
Scott Walsh (Drama)
Emma Kunkel (Instrumental)
Katy Van Drunen Prize
Presented to the recipient of the Drama Rose Bowl
Scott Walsh
Dallman Award
Presented to the recipient of the Piano Rose Bowl
Alexis Sharp
Rainy River District Festival Award for Outstanding Achievement
Sturgeon Creek Alternative Program, Grades 6, 7 and 8
Callahan Wiedenhoeft - Lillian Thomas Memorial Award, Most Promising Vocalist, 10 years and under
Emma Dykstra - Vocal Teachers’ Award, Most Promising Vocalist, 11 or 12 years
Taylor Shouldice - June Clink Memorial Award, Most Promising Vocalist, 13 or 14 years
Kennedy Latimer - Elfé Forsberg Trophy, Most Promising Vocalist, 15 or 16 years
Katelyn Shortreed - Jaycees Trophy, Best Vocalist, 17 or 18 years
Taylor Shouldice and Kennedy Latimer - Nestor Falls Lions’ Club, Best Duet Performance
Naomi Carradice, Moriah Carradice, Lemuel Carradice - Oblate Fathers’ Award, Best Elementary Ensemble
Robert Moore School, Senior Kindergarten - Kinette Shield, Grade 1 Choir (This Year, Senior Kindergarten)
St. Michael’s School, Grades 1 to 3 - Lakeland Personnel Award, Massed Choir, Kindergarten to Grade 8
Robert Moore School Girls’ Choir - Northern Lights Credit Union Award, Grades 4 to 8 Massed Junior Choir
Robert Moore School Girls’ Choir, Grades 4 to 8 - Elementary Teachers’Federation Award, Best Student Choir in the Festival
Jessica Whalen - Adjudicator’s Choice Award, Noteworthy Performance