Homeowners in Fort Frances could be faced with a 2-point-4 per cent tax increase.
But a decrease in the education portion of the tax bill and a change in assessment could result in some residential ratepayers paying less.
Mayor Roy Avis says he's pleased with the figure.
"I was hoping for two per cent," says Avis, "but at 2.4 per cent it's well within the scope of what we wanted to accomplish this year."
However, taxes could increase another one per cent if municipalities vote in favour of a change in how share the costs of social services administered by the Rainy River District Social Services Administration Board.
That vote comes next week.
Councillors also trimmed the capital budget by about 57-thousand dollars at their budget meeting last night.
It includes holding off on replacing the stage at the Townsend Theatre, installing new light standards on Scott Street and painting of the overpass on Portage Avenue.
The town is proceeding with an upgrade to the water system at Sunny Cove Camp, improvements to its recycling building and the purchase of equipment to help firefighters better identify hazardous materials.