Friday, August 27, 2010
Conversion Approved

Blue Box Program Under Review

Operations and Facilities Manager Doug Brown says the study aims to come up with a strategy for both communities that will secure funding received from Waste Diversion Ontario.
I. Falls Bass Championship Underway

Civic Election Candidates

A few more names have come to the surface for this year's civic elections across the Rainy River district.
Debbie Ewald is seeking reelection as mayor of Rainy River.
In the township of Chapple, Peter Van Heyst will seek another term as reeve.
Incumbents James Gibson and Rick Neilson along with newcomer Ken Wilson have filed election as councillor.
And in LaVallee, incumbent Freeda Carmody and newcomer Harold Kellar have filed for the councillor seats available in that township.
Fire Hazard Climbs

The forest fire hazard is on the climb in northwestern Ontario.
The Ministry of Natural Resources says the hazard is sitting at moderate to high for much of the region with higher hazards in the southern portions of Fort Frances, Quetico Provincial Park and Thunder Bay areas.
With no rain in the immediate forecast, the MNR is expecting the hazard to climb further.
There are currently 6 fires burning, none in the Rainy River district.
Wait List Concern

Persons United for Self Help in Northwestern Ontario wants the Ontario Ombudsman to investigate the region's long wait lists.
There are now 400 people waiting for accessible supportive community housing and home support care.
PUSH president Ron Ross says some have been waiting for a decade.
"Whether the Ombudsman investigates and wants to do a public inquiry," says Ross. "If he does a public inquiry we'll hear from the community. We'll hear from the people on wait lists. We'll hear from their families. We'll hear from others who are involved in these type of issues."
Ross says those on the wait list are now living in either long term care facilities or with their aging parents.
Mental Health Report Issued

It says that would ensure services are delivered consistently and comprehensively across the province.
The committee says Ontario residents are waiting too long for treatment, and youth are caught in the gap between programs for children and those for adults.
Talks Break Down

Sources says talks that began August 9 at a Toronto hotel fizzled out last Sunday.
About a dozen unions, including the Canadian Auto Workers and the Service Employees International Union had been participating.
New Vice-Principals in Place

Park Documentary Up for Emmy

Minnesota's National Park Legacy was produced by Twin Cities Public Television in collaboration with Voyageurs National Park Association and seven other National Park units in the State.
The regional Emmys will be handed on September 25 in Minneapolis.