Registration for the Canada Day parade in Fort Frances is now being accepted.
This year’s theme is “Sing, Dance and March to the Music.” Groups, organizations, businesses and individuals are encouraged to show their Canadian pride through music and dance either as a float or as a demonstration while walking the route. Entrants from the United States are also welcome to participate and show their pride either for Canada or their home country.
Prizes will be awarded to the top three parade participants as selected by a panel of local judges. Judging will take place prior to the start of the parade.
Participants will again gather at AbitibiBowater’s Shevlin woodyard beginning at 10:00 a.m. for judging. They will then be led by the Ontario Provincial Police and Special Olympians down Front Street along Fort Frances’ beautiful waterfront beginning at 11:00 a.m. The parade will head in a westerly direction past LaVerendrye Hospital and ending at the municipal parking lot at Nelson Street behind St. Mary’s Church.
Members of the Canada Day Celebrations Committee will also be walking the route to solicit donations. Money money raised will go towards Canada Day events and the Fireworks display.
Coordinating this year’s parade will be Randy and Sally Thoms. Early registration before 4:00 PM June 30, 2011 is required to be eligible for the prizes. Call 807-274-5634 to register.