Friday, October 16, 2009

MADD Film Shown to Students

A powerful message about the dangers and consequences of impaired driving was delivered to some students in the Rainy River District.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving presented its film Wasted to students in Rainy River, Atikokan and Fort Frances this week.

Spokesperson Rahul D'Cunha says although its a fictional account of an accident that leads to a fatal conclusion, it hit did home to some students.

"From being at Fort Frances high school, a lot of students were emotional," says D'Cunha. "Some had to walk out because the film was very intense for them. Some of them, I think it's really sticking in. It might take a couple of days for them to think about the effects of drinking and driving."

D'Cunha says MADD Canada combines the film with a curriculum he hopes will spur further discussion in the classroom.