Tuesday, September 1, 2009

School Safety Emphasized

With the start of classes means the return of the big yellow buses back to area roads and streets.

OPP Constable Anne McCoy says it's important motorists take extra precautions when approaching or following a school bus today.

"Make sure your giving the buses enough distance that they're able to stop safely to pick up the children and to drop them off," says McCoy. "The kids are just starting to get back into the routine of going to school and they're excited so they're not always looking our for cars most of the time. Be patient, slow down and abide by the rules of the road."

Failure to adhere to a school buses stop lights can lead to fines of between 400 to 2-thousand dollars and the loss of six demerit points for a first offence.

McCoy says students should also exercise caution, especially when existing the bus by walking well in front of the bus before crossing and doing so when the driver indicates it's safe.

Students should also never run across a road to or from the bus.