Monday, June 22, 2009

Folk Festival A Go!

A folk festival planned for the Fort Frances area is moving ahead.

The event is scheduled for July18th at the Little Beaver Snow Park.

Organizer Alex Maruzyk says much of the key elements are in place.

"The site is booked and ready to go," says Maruzyk. "The sound is ready to go. We have the stage. All of the really important parts are set up, now its just the little things we don't know about. We find out new things we have to do every day, but the foundation is set."

J-P Hoe of Winnipeg will headline the event. Supporting acts include include The Auditor General , The Me Monster , Triptych, The Mud Lake City Boy, Maverick Judson , Haphazard, Myron Hawrylak, Mike Procyshyn, Jon Thompson, Lauren Gurski with Mike McCaig, Alex Marusyk with Joelle Barron, Gordo Matheson, Andrew Morrish, Shawn Galusha, Justine Christie, Fort Dance Studio Dancers and The Fort Frances Highlanders Pipes & Drums

Tickets for the festival are currently on sale at the Fort Frances Library, Fort Frances Museum and Sight and Sound. "Day Pass" tickets are going for $20 for adults, $15 for ages 15-18- $10 for ages 6-14. Kids under 5 are free.