Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Cyclist Travels Throught Rainy River District



A close friend diagnosed with Cancer has let an Ontario man on a coast-to-coast cycle ride to raise money for Cancer research.

Glen Baxby cycled through the Fort Frances area yesterday.

"We started off at the Pacific Ocean, Victoria, British Columbia, on May 15," says Baxby. "and we're going to dip the bike in the Atlantic on the 14th of July."

"This started at the end of November when I heard of a friend who had been recently diagnosis with cancer. It was a matter of coming to a decision (to do the ride) and getting the proper training and guidance in terms of fitness and nutrition, and putting a committee together to get the logistics of the ride put together."

So far, Baxby has raised just over $25,000. Those wanting to make a donation can go the his Coast to Coast to Cure website.