Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Residents Educated About Emergency sirens




Emergency personnel want residents to better understand the purpose of the monthly siren tests in Fort Frances.

During the first Wednesday of every month at 2 p-m, the sirens are sounded. Fort Frances Fire and Rescue Service Fire chief Gerry Armstrong says the sirens were set up to alter citizens of an immediate danger.

"For the most part, that would be in the event of an approaching wind storm, or perhaps a transportation or industrial accident, that would be considered an immediate threat to people's health," says Armstrong.

Armstrong says when the do sirens sound, residents should tune to B-93 for further information, even during the testing, and refrain from calling emergency personnel unless absolutely necessary.

"Please do not contact local police, fire or ambulance, unless you have an emergency, because they're going to be busy doing a whole number of things. We want to ensure people the information will be coming through the radio station, B-93, and just stay tuned to that."