Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Residents Happy with Riverside



Officials with Riverside Health Care Facilities are pleased with the results of a recent satisfaction survey.

More than 400 people responded to the survey conducted at the end of February. Completed surveys from all sites totalled over four hundred. The overall level of satisfaction was 4.64 out of a possible 5, with five being ‘Very Satisfied’.

“The survey results and comments indicate our staff are doing a great job in ensuring the Riverside experience is as comfortable and stress-free as possible for our customers… patients, clients, visitors, consumers and residents”, says Wayne Woods, President & CEO.

“We have top-notch staff who are committed to our vision…to be the centre of excellence in providing a continuum of service in Rural/Northern health care”.

The survey did identify a problem with parking around the Riverside Community Counselling and Valley Diabetes Education Centre.

Riverside says its is working with the town on a plan to alleviate that concern.